Tell Every Child.
Tell every child they have a purpose on this planet,
May the birthright of every child be to have a wise caretaker,
Who understands the fine line between discipline,
And the breaking of a spirit, and how to mend one,
And the need for understanding and freedom of expression-
Without fear of physical attack,
...To know their bodies,
And when touch and substance are harmful,
And when touch and substance is beautiful!
...The birthright of every child should be enough food, sleep,
Shelter, nurturing and access to nature.
...For the great spirit of the child grows in the garden of complete love,
Giving seed to a sure sense of self,
And a fearless child becomes a wise and loving elder,
And every child becomes a wise and loving elder,
And every child that flourishes with love, respect and encouragement
Gives roots to a future without limitations on love,
...And may the child in you glow like a light all your life.
I received the following newsletter today from David Icke, and I am horrified. It came with pictures of children looking on in horror at the death of a fellow Palestinian child. I hope you take the time to listen here today, closely.
David Icke Newsletter Preview
The Thought Censors don't like it? Tough
The parallels are endless between the bloodthirsty 'God' of the Old Testament and the actions of the heartless, soulless, Artificial Intelligence that controls Israel, most notably the biological robots of the House of Rothschild who thus have no soul, no empathy, no more mercy for the consequences of their actions than a desktop computer.
Imagine if Iran or anyone else outside Israel and the United States (both Rothschild assets) was doing what the Israeli military is doing in Gaza. There would be global condemnation, not least from Israel and the United States, resolutions passed in the UN Security Council and talk of the need for sanctions or military intervention to 'save the innocent'.
But when Israel does it we have vacuous calls for a truce, an end to the violence while 'understanding Israel's position', and, in terms of soon-to-be President 'Change' Obama, silence. It's all a fraction of what others would face because Israel is a wholly-owned asset of the Rothschilds and so is not subject to the same rules as anyone else. As former Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, said:
'Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.'
And Prime Minister Golda Meir betrayed the same Zionist arrogance:
'This country exists as the fulfilment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy.'
Ah, it's all in the Old Testament? Gotcha, right, well do as you like then ...
... If you remove the injustice, you remove the motivation for a violent response to that injustice. Put people in a position where they either accept their pathetic plight or open fire and some are bound to choose the latter.
But instead of tackling the root cause, injustice, Israel responds with a state-of-the-art bombardment that kills hundreds and injures thousands in a few days, at least 90% of which are men, women and children who have nothing whatsoever to do with Hamas or their rockets. In 2007, 25 Palestinians were killed for every Israeli. That's more than just 'protecting yourself'.
'Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all - old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple”.'
Ezekiel 9:5-7
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