If Women Ruled the World.
They wouldn’t.
For there is a certain clarity,
Telling us inherently,
That the first law of nature is balance.
Therefore women, given the choice
Would insist on parity,
Even though our numbers
Outnumber men
Fifty three to fifty.
Since I am going to be temporarily moving out of my house due to repairs and reconstruction I am going to be sharing issues posted by WUNRN: The Women's UN Report Program Network which is a non-governmental organization to implement the conclusions and recommendations of a United Nations Study on Freedom of Religion of Belief and the Status of Women From the Viewpoint of Religion and Traditions (E/CN.4/2002/73/Add.2).
This study is a major, universal, comprehensive U.N. approach to intolerance and discrimination against women based on religion and traditions.
To strengthen the nexus between women's rights and freedom of religion or belief, it is important to build on the Juridical and Factual Aspects of this study by research, plans of action and practical projects.
WUNRN, together with The Tandem Project, is committed to this objective through support for the dignity and fundamental rights of women everywhere, and by the promotion of tolerance and the end of discrimination against women based on religion and traditions.
OSI - Open Society Institute - Soros Foundations Network
OSI International Women's Program Brochure
Supporting Women In: Preventing Violence, Pursuing Justice, Achieving Leadership
Women and girls in societies with fundamental inequalities are the intended and unintended casualties of war. Women caught in military conflicts face sexual violence and exploitation, torture, forced recruitment, rape, mass rape, and trafficking. In postconflict transitions, women are often denied access to justice and a role in decision making, including peace and reconciliation efforts.
This brochure details the ways in which the International Women’s Program of the Open Society Institute supports courageous women in fragile, transitional countries in their efforts to create stable, egalitarian, and open societies.
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