
Monday, July 2, 2012

Drake and Derecho...

Not long after the Green Light declaration to set off mass arrests of shady banksters et al by "Drake," a "LAND" hurricane known as a Derecho, blew through Washington DC on Friday, July 29th 2012 causing a vast blackout of power, could this be the darkness of cover needed to take out the dark cabal that Drake and his folk so deperately want? 

Who knows but things seem to be moving swiftly on both sides, green light pink light, its the greatest real life story happening on planet earth right now...I will keep posting articles and updating everyone, including the antagonists who can't stay away out of curiosity!

To add to the mystery, a close insider to David Wilcock was diagnosed with being poisoned with a new bio weapon, but recovering, Ben Fulford was injected in the wrist by way of a handshake but caught it and sucked the poison out on the spot and Nesara News blogger, John McHaffie is recovering from a heart attack. Drake was unable to appear on the Global Voice Radio show on Sunday due to severe weather and having to evacuate the area, I hope he is okay? 

Also, The biggest criminal conspiracy in history is being confronted this week in a federal court house in Toronto in order to turn the tables on the Oligarchy of Crown, Church and Corporation, its called Kanata Day Communique. On Wednesday July 4,  The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP), will be filing the first class action lawsuit in history against the Vatican, the Crown of England, the government and churches of Canada, and pharmaceutical corporations for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.
Also we are now hearing reports of activists who spoke at The People's Summit in Rio, being killed, the war for the planet is on.

If you have never heard of Drake you can see a history of related articles and Drake Interveiws here:

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