
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Parity Party, Obama v McCain??? Black v white, No more man v woman

Wednesday, September 8th

This debate is an attempt to get "that one" and "that one" to come to my blog to read about foreign policy and Tom Brokaw's adjudication favoring McCain all the way. The zen question thrown at Obama first and THEN McInsane was telling. Obama, ever light on his feet was quick to respond, but not as the great orator he once was. Had this little debate grenade landed on McInsane's lap FIRST, it would have blown his "Bill Clinton's"* right off. *British term that I did not make up!

I am using keywords to see if Obama or McCain come to my blog to see who won the debate and how people feel about the surge and public opinion and if racism is still alive in this country and did I hear someone yell: "Kill him"" after Sarah Palin announced that Obama was a terrorist because at the tender age of 8 years old he knew a weatherman and the forecast was very sunny for him?

And hopefully you will go back and read all my unread blogs that I have faithfully persisted with even though very few read them, I keep going because I heard you have to have persistence, and if you love this planet, as I do, would you not want your children and other people's children to enjoy this earth as you have? And if you have not enjoyed this planet, ie you are Darfurian or Palestinian, then would you not want to make it right so that future generations CAN live here as was intended, cohesively with nature? Or is it just too &&%**&# late for your light to enter and amass with all other light being shone by people who care, being shone despite a global mass media strong arm trying to yank your force down?

What about Planet X, FEMA and its ordering of caskets by the hundreds of thousands and those scary tailor made trains with shackles, beds and vents? If you really care about this planet and your children, you will take the time to research all this and much more. You shall refrain from your mantra that America is ignorant and does not care about anything but their next delightful cup of coffee etc... You shall not focus on blaming Americans as stupid and dumbed down, we are all awakening, not because of gas prices and foreclosures, we are awakening because the earth is in peril and we feel it, and we know that the US, our country, is a big player in how all this turns out.

As always, here is my poem of the day, and then the "go here" place at the end of

Parity Party.

Let's have parity, not patriarchy,
It would bring creativity to any committee.
Men no longer have permission
To claim superiority over all humanity.
The aging narcissists have got to go
Parity is the new status quo.

Under parity women would become
More of earth's elected officials,
Not just some.

It has already been proven that with only 33% elected,
Women have changed outcomes for the better,
In the house and on the floor
There are only14% women representatives in the US
We need more.
For women generally place domestic issues at the fore.

Patriarchies mostly get behind global fraud and war,
With much less focus on health, education the environment and the poor.
Women have got to step forward, and open the power door.

For parity would treat women much more fairly in a world
Where the implementation of patriarchy has become,
Increasingly dangerous to everything under the sun.
With only two genders but thousands of cultures
Parity is a needed step toward justice for everything and everyone.

Our earth can longer be patriarchy's personal whore
Men just cannot be exclusively in charge anymore.
They have over 90% control
And women have only ten percent
Which is exactly why
Our resources are so ill-spent.

By Jane Evershed

Go here:
Sorry but 100 megs max is too lite for me otherwise I would upload this for you, so please take the time to copy and paste in your browser, I know this is antiquated but bear with me okay?

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